Periodically we bring you a roundup of posts from our blog that we think you’ll find interesting, informative, and entertaining–even if they’re written by an engineer.
Florida Could Loosen Up LEED Reliance–Does it Matter?
“A pair of Florida lawmakers is attempting to broaden green building compliance by loosening up reliance on LEED. If the bills are successful, state buildings could rely on lesser-known green certification programs such as Green Globes. Most people are unaware that there is more than one certification program. But LEED is more than racking up certification points. To make buildings truly perform, collaboration is key, and we have a system to make that happen.”
Asbestos Awareness Week 2013–Free Download
“United States Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin is urging Americans to learn about the dangers of asbestos exposure during Asbestos Awareness Week 2013 (April 1-7). For us, every week is asbestos awareness week. Linda Reinstein, president of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization (ADAO), says the United States continues to endanger public health by importing asbestos, a known carcinogen.”
The Ethics of Exporting Poison
“There is a new documentary exploring the ethics of American companies manufacturing and selling harmful materials, such as lead paint, on the African continent. According to Occupational Knowledge International, as published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, more than 40 percent of house paints in Cameroon contain lead.”