If you’ve lived through storms, you may have become tone deaf to the whole “don’t let your guard down and prepare anyway” message. I understand that – but at the risk of being repetitive, it’s still a good idea to make sure you’re prepared.
The best surprise is no surprise.
In the past, we’ve discussed the four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. Tropical Storm Cristobal will make landfall soon, so we’ll soon move from preparation to perseverance, then recovery.
A quick resource for preparedness and recovery is FEMA’s web site.
The site has materials that will help you plan for a disaster, and a successful recovery.
If you’re in the path of Tropical Storm Cristobal, I hope this storm just brings some rain to your region, and that you, your families, friends, and your businesses are safe.
No matter what, use caution in all aspects of preparedness, weathering the storm, and recovery. Be careful when getting generator fuel, storing the fuel, and running the generator (I’m thinking of carbon monoxide hazards from improper generator location/use).
After the storm, implement your disaster recovery plan.
Also be careful when moving around after the storm – driving and walking around can be hazardous due to flooded areas, downed power lines, and even snakes and animals driven into areas we occupy.
And be especially careful when entering storm damaged buildings. If you’re uncertain as to whether a structure is unsafe for any reason, stay out until you determine the area is safe for occupancy (or you can get a qualified person to help you make the determination).
Last (and by all means not least), don’t get complacent. Even though storm predictions may say that the storm will weaken, don’t take your eye off the ball.
There are all kinds of websites and apps for tracking storms, but you can’t go wrong with the National Hurricane Center’s website.
The site gets regular updates as the models and storm track changes. If you need help preparing or responding to an emergency, email me.
Your safety and well being are of the utmost importance to us. Not responding properly to a serious health issue can prove to be catastrophic to any organization.
Stay safe, my friends.