An article about an ammonia release at Reddy Ice in Baton Rouge prompted me to remind our clients that their Risk Management Plan (RMP) as required by EPA needs to be kept up to date. Below is some helpful information on preparing and submitting your RMP from EPA’s website.

Don't get lost in the regulatory maze.

Don’t get lost in the regulatory maze.

If you have trouble navigating the regulatory maze that is the EPA’s website, please contact me for a free 30 minute consultation, and I will explain the nuts and bolts of it to you in plain English.
Under the authority of section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, the Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions require facilities that produce, handle, process, distribute, or store certain chemicals to develop a Risk Management Program, prepare a Risk Management Plan (RMP), and submit the RMP to EPA. Covered facilities were initially required to comply with the rule in 1999, and the rule has been amended on several occasions since then, most recently in 2004.

Stay in compliance, my friends.

Chris White, P.E., LEED AP has been helping clients solve problems for over twenty years. He is The Most Interesting Engineer in the World. You can follow him on Twitter @ChrisWhitePE.
